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Best Movies of 2009 So Far - Top 10 Films of the Year Counted Down
Posted on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 by writer
I know that 2009 is far from over, but since we're through the summer blockbuster season, I thought it would be the right time to come up with a list of the top 10 best films of 2009 (so far). There are several major issues hit like Sherlock Holmes , so that there May be some minor changes, when all is said and done, but overall I am pretty confident that it is only about how things will shake out. Without further ado, here are my picks for the best movie so far:
10 - I Love You Man - Paul Rudd from Anchorman and Jason Segel glory of Forgetting Sarah Marshall and TV How i met Your Mother combine in this classic buddy movie about a guy who gets involved only to discover that there are no friends to stand up for him at his wedding. Under the urging of her fiancé Peter Klaven (Rudd) goes on a series of "man date" looking for friends and potential of man. After several spectacular failures was accidentally meets up with Fife Sidney (Segel), painfully honest, but loyal friend. Although seemingly polar opposites pair hit off immediately, mainly because of the mutual love of rock band Rush. However, Peter's fiance Zooey (Rashida Jones) is less than impressed with Sidney influence on her husband-to-be.
film is a clever and consistently funny throughout, and has a great support cast, including Jon Favreau, JK Simmons, Jaime Pressley, Andy Sandberg and Jane Curtin. If you missed this in theaters to make sure you pick it up on DVD because it is one of the funniest films of the year.
9 - Coraline - One of the best films of the year is also one of the most unique. Featuring voice acting Dakota Fanning, Teri Hatcher and Ian McShane Coraline is an animated film that is quite different from the normal range you can see from Pixar and Dreamworks. Fanning voices the main character of Coraline Jones, who discovers a secret door in her house, walking through it, and discovers an alternate reality that her real životu.Animacija is superb, with a stop-motion stereoscopic 3D, and combined with the voice acting and an intriguing plot of the destined to be an instant classic that will be enjoyed for years to come for children and adults alike.
8 - Watchmen - To be honest, when I heard about this movie coming out I thought it would end a lot more to the list of the best films of the year. This is not to say I was disappointed - I enjoyed the film immensely -. Just not quite as much as I thought I would
much different from the typical superhero films such as Spiderman and X-Men This movie is definitely darker, grittier side of the spirit of the film, such as Sin City . the film is not quite as action packed as i expected, and tends to wander and / or drag on in parts. However, acting is excellent and the narration by Rorschach (Jackie Earle Hayley) is particularly good. For fans of graphic novel, this film can be something of a disappointment, but it's still much better than big budget films such as GI Joe: Rise of Cobra and Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen .
7 - Public Enemies - Johnny Depp is one of the most versatile actors working in Hollywood today. It is a game of pirate crazed, demonic barber, or in this case, the legendary villain John Dillinger is always completely believable. Public Enemies is a very good film, although it will not challenge Goodfellas or other films of this caliber as one of the best gangster movies ever made. Similar to Watchmen film seems to drag in places, but has enough action to get the views from getting too antsy. Christian Bale as FBI agent Melvin Purvis is not as good as Depp, but no useful work.
Despite some minor shortcomings Public Enemies is still very much worth watching at least once, and set design, and digital images in the film are as good as it gets.
6 - The Hurt Locker - Of all the films on this list, with perhaps the exception of Coraline , the Hurt Locker is the most unheralded. With names such as Guy Pearce, Ralph Fiennes, and even Evangeline Lily and television Lost is a decent star power, but for whatever reason, the film is not got the promotion it deserves. As emotional as it is exciting The Hurt Locker gives the audience vividly shows the view of an elite unit that has an unenviable job (to say the least) from disarming bombs in the middle of the battle. If you're among the many who have not heard of this movie definitely check it out when it hits DVD.
5 - Inglorious Basterds - There is a lot of hype surrounding this film, and director Quentin Tarantino and Holly-list actor Brad Pitt attached to the film, high expectations hardly comes as a shock. Tarantino is back in a big way, after the lukewarm reviews of his last films Death Proof , with the story of a group of Jewish-American soldiers who were terror through the enemy ranks by brutally killing Nazis. Pitt is excellent in the starring role as Lt. Aldo Raine, and although the film is more than 2.5 hours long you will not find a drag. If you hurry you can still catch in theaters. Otherwise you'll have to wait long months until it sees the light of day on DVD.
4 - to - As well as Coraline would not be ousted from power in 800 pounds of gorilla Pixar title the best animated film 2009th Pixar, just like Johnny Depp just does not seem to make a bad film, and no matter how much praise is full of them for a film somehow seems to outdo the next.
Ed Asner, who was as good as Lou Grant on TV so many years ago, proves that it still has not lost her acting ability, transforming himself into a top notch performance as the voice of Carl Fredricksen, cantankerous old man who embarks on a incredible adventure in the twilight of his life to fulfill the promise of a lifetime supruzi.Film deceased, as all Pixar films, there are a lot of humor, but also has moments that you will be blinking back tears. If you are a fan of Pixar films then you've no doubt already seen this, but if I refused it as a kid you are doing yourself a bad movie, and you should be sure to pick it up on DVD (or Blu-ray) on hits stores.
3 - District 9 - Although there are many who are calling this film the greatest science fiction film of all time would not go quite that far. However, it is incredible and fantastic film debut for director Neil Blomkamp. The film is unusual from the outset for the simple fact of its postavke.Radnja takes place in South Africa, a refreshing departure from other alien "invasion" movies that always seem to take place on American soil. As you can see, I put quotation marks around the word invasion. This is not your typical movie where the army and several part-time civilians to defend the Earth from destruction by the unwelcome extra terrestrial visitors. Instead, the aliens is unknown, and they've been separated and forced into slums under the watchful eye of the army. I will not get into too much detail, but suffice it to say the film is much different from any sci-fi movie I've ever seen.
2 - Hangover - and it might not have enjoyed critical and several other films on this list, Hangover deserves its place as one of the funniest comedy movies that come along in years. Starring Ed Helms, Bradley Cooper and Zach Galifianakis outrageously funny film about two friends (and a soon to be brother-in-law), who is their friend Doug in Las Vegas for his bachelor party. As often happens in Vegas (even in real life) things quickly out of hand and after a night of debauchery sorry for the crew wakes up to discover that you have lost a friend. Not that we remember what happened must try and retrace their steps from the previous night to try to find Doug and him get home in time for their wedding.
Do not forget to stay right until the end ove.Slideshow the loan is as ridiculous as the main film.
1 - Star Trek - With so many installments of the venerable sci-fi classic, but it seemed unlikely that another chapter will come in at number one on the top 10 films popisutop in 2009. However, here it is. Why, you ask? Quite simply, this is not your father Star Trek . The series has been completely re as much in the way Batman Begins a few years ago. That's darker, grittier and more violent than any of the previous rate.
This movie is actually a prequel to the others, and follows the adventures of a young James Kirk, detailing how he came to the academy, he met Spock, Bones, Scotty and the rest of the crew, and eventually came to the captain of the Starship Enterprise.
If you're not a fan of the original series and ignored this film as a consequence you make a mistake. This film is great without a die hard Trekkie, and if you have not seen it make sure that the 17th November marked the calendar as the day will be available on DVD.
Category Article best movies of 2009, movies 2009 films year counted down
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