Top 10 Best British Movies in the Last 10 Years

If you look in the last decade of British films you'll see the same names appear again and again. Danny Boyle, Guy Ritchie, Neil Marshall ... These British filmmakers have fought wind, rain, mud and general darkness of their island to snap and shove the face of British cinema and the influence of film-makers and goers at the global level.

How is the British film experienced a new renaissance? And why? It is not just about funding. It is about ideas, and adding a fresh spin on old ideas. It's about looking tired old genre with new eyes, and this is the approach that the British blockbuster helped to push the boundaries. Let's look at some of these genres, and then move to the top ten British films in the last ten years ...

new wave of gangster caper

Do you still have gangsters molls and jump on a car chest of drawers? Unfortunately not - hence the rise of British Cheeky Urban Gangster caper, as evinced by Snatch, Lock Stock and two smoking barrels and a few other mockney gangster movies ... In fact, director Guy Ritchie has created this new and commercially popular genre almost single-handedly. Attaguy.

new wave of monster / horror film

British director Neil Marshall and Danny Boyle clearly has grown up on a diet of comics and late-night horror movies, too much sugar and not enough vegetables. For all you movie-goers should be grateful. British monster movies in the last ten years have been low on budget but high on cinematography, acting and character-'ve just GOT to say-a-friend twists. Dog Soldiers, severance pay, creep, 28 Days Later (and poor follow-up, 28 weeks later) ... These British films hit theaters globally with his innovative approach to tired old monster genres such as werewolves and zombies. Speaking of which ...


Yes, Zom-Rom-com. Worth noting all their own, zombie romantic comedy is a genre-splicing in the best manner, and is fully recently British innovation. Today Zom-Rom-Com is a movie staple, the U.S. is Zombieland its most recent commercial success.

Let's look at some of these mainstream films that put Britain back on the cinema-goer's map.

28 Days Later - 2002

to 28 days later, the zombies do what their master George A. Romero them to do. Everyone knew a zombie walking slowly and looking brainnnnsss, because Dawn of the Dead is so.

Danny Boyle film opens with an eerie and inspired by the scene promising something new - a loner in hospital scrubs, walking empty streets destroyed and abandoned in London. There is something powerful in the picture let grad.Film ended with zombies who could have been, or me, or your loved one - normal people, but sick - and quickly. So frighteningly fast. Do update the zombie format, this British movie monster focused on what people actually paint today - diseases, chaos, poverty and the unknown. A zombie who could escape. Suddenly the world woke up and realized it was more than one way to handle the zombie genre. Following the success of 28 Days Later zombie films followed thick and fast.

Dog Soldiers - 2002

Why would the zombies get all the attention? Werewolves are not fun? Neil Marshall is throwing us a bone this low-budget, but it looks fantastic werewolf horror film set in the lush wilderness of Scotland. Wait, you did not know about werewolves? Sorry spoiler - but the film was made eight years ago. To be fair, the film ends with a tasty werewolf related to land a twist for those who do not know. What really made this movie was fantastic, gritty humor and interplay between grizzled soldiers sent to investigate the disturbance, and the film also helped moodily-shot atmosphere. A must for fans of horror and action -. But to avoid if you're not a fan of Gore, however, delicious and can be considered to be pierced

Shaun of the Dead - 2004

And here we have it ... Zom-Rom-com! Real love letter to Romero's Dawn of the Dead, with plenty of jokes in the movie jerk. Shaun of the Dead is an international star of everyone's favorite ginger, Simon Pegg (Star Trek, Run Fat Boy Run). This film is witty, clever, charming, funny ... all the zombie film has no right to be. His courage and humor is a box office hit on both sides ribnjak.Izbor film for anyone who likes zombies, romance, and comedy - and still a pretty safe bet for anyone who hates all of the above. The ultimate in cross-genre success.

Children of Men - 2006

Children of Men. Is sci-fi? Is it drama? Thriller? Action film? It is all these things and nothing. Sci-Fi haters believe that a beautiful and unforgettable film. Action movies were delighted powerful dust and roar of the battle scene. Everyone has moved Michael Caine as an old hippie revolutionary, and a strong handle the concept of pregnant women in a nearby future where fascists fighting revolutionaries, refugee camps abound, and children are more. Once again, the film industry shone through to show a beautiful, deserted rural England and society torn apart by poverty and the apocalyptic disease.

Casino Royale - 2006

It would be difficult to list the top ten British films in the last ten years, without namechecking Casino Royale - a brand new movie makeover for England's favorite son, James Bond. Daniel Craig is the inspired choice - foolish, arrogant, violent and ... blonde. And even the goal of the prigodu.Svijet far from bland James Bonds of the past, and more in line with the expectations of an action film goers today. And what's more - M is a woman! Good heavens! Regardless of the following? Audiences flocked to see this renewed creation. Unfortunately, currently it looks like James Bond franchise was winding down ...

Son of Rambow - 2007

Imagine a long, semi-perfect English summer in 1980. This is only a semi-perfect, because even the long, hot summer, as a young schoolboy is a hormone hell. Two miss-matched boys are brought together to create their own version of Rambo sequel. They've got a bad camera and an old abandoned wasteground, and their remake is by no means a big budget production of the original film. However, when the whole school joined in, and when children start doing their own stunts, from kissing to an explosion, it turns into a coming-of-life cult film as well as classical and adult-friendly as Stand By Me, with a distinctly bittersweet British the slope.

Slumdog Millionaire - 2008

Danny Boyle the darling of British cinema, changing genres and finding new slants on old ideas that continue to satisfy an audience that requires a lot more today than their popcorn blockbuster movies. By 2008, Danny Boyle's film world's few success under his belt. It was Trainspotting, black comedy in which Ewan McGregor (Star Wars) is his name. There are 28 Days Later (zombie thriller, see above). It also is Sunshine, one of the few films Danny Boyle should not be considered top 10 best British film -. Great, but flawed atmospheric sci-fi thriller about some astronauts fly their ship in the dying sun to save the Earth

The total break from the genre, Danny Boyle's next film, Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire, the world by storm. It is a rags to riches story of 18-year-old orphan on the slum streets of Mumbai, India, whose life is so unusual that miraculously gives answers to questions on TV quiz show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" and earns him a fortune - and the attention of police. On paper, you might think that this is 'homework' film - a film you know you should see, but I feel it too seriously to be truly enjoyable. Cast your doubts aside. You feel good without sugar sweet, Slumdog Millionaire has changed the lives of its protagonists (young female lead was taken from the Mumbai slum and gave salary, fame and education co-star). Also likely to change the perception of fate, poverty, slums, India, and TV quizzes.

The Moon - 2009

to move, Danny Boyle - is the second time British director received a crack at the whip? Moon is the debut of Duncan Jones movie - and it won a BAFTA, 17 other film awards and countless nominations. The Moon is a story about a lonely blue-collar astronaut Sam Bell, who is fighting to stay as healthy as he reaches the end of his three year shift, desperate to return home to Earth, his wife and his daughter. As the movie tagline says: "250,000 miles from home, the hardest to face ... is yourself." The Moon is full of surprises land, sterile beauty of the moon, incredibly fine works from the offer (including Kevin Spacey as a computer), with music to die for. Month not just sci-fi film - it's a film about what it means to be human. And yes, it has some good Gags in it. Nothing will prepare you for a month ... Except, perhaps, 2001: Odyssey svemiru.Mora see.

Sherlock Holmes - 2009

Sherlock Holmes is the latest offering from director Guy Ritchie, Madonna Ex Mrs. Ritchie has established itself as a world-class with earlier successes such as Lock, Stock and two smoking barrels (love letter to the gangster caper, updated to the end of the British East neighborhood for modern audiences ).

action comedy film, Sherlock Holmes proves that when on form and not indulging himself, Guy Ritchie can produce a perfect action film.Film benefits from inspired casting: Downey Jnr (Sherlock Holmes) and Jude Law (Dr. Watson) re-process and the dynamics between the duo is so loved and clearly having fun, the actors say in interviews that they actually have a bromance, so well that the gel together as co-lead. Guy Ritchie's directorial quirks is placed on the right to use in the film, with jump-cuts and camera tricks, and added to the meat of the plot, and not spoiling. Finally, a big budget is done justice with some great cinematography - if you want to see successful, foggy Victorian London and have no time for coffee, watching Sherlock Holmes is the best way to do this. One of the most enjoyable examples popcorn movie of the decade.

Harry Brown - 2009

Directed by Daniel Barber is a relative newcomer to the British film scene. He looked great American films and plays covers dirty side of life (such as a wire) and thought - how it can be upgraded, to offer the same action, the same drama, same excitement, the same grandness of scale - but from a uniquely British perspective?

Cue Harry Brown. What the British public the most current colors? Chavs, probably - a derogatory term for poor and violent youth subcultures. Harry Brown is a fantasy of revenge chav - the story of the old veterans in the British slum property, which sees the social destruction caused to their community by chavs and decides to take matters into their own hands. The British National Treasure starring Michael Caine and a joy to watch as age pensioners who refuses to back down.

Most of these films received worldwide criticism and packed cinema seats around the world. You May have missed some of them first time round -. Now is the chance to get a chance next time you hire out Blu-Ray or DVD

Do not be put off by the British accents, because you will not be disappointed - you will find yourself immersed in the lights, camera action top ten British films in this decade

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