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Top 5 Tom Hanks Movies
Posted on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 by writer
Tom Hanks is probably the best actor of our time. He has played various roles in a number of excellent films. To narrow down your 'best' films up to 5 is not an easy task. However, I'll give it a go.
When taking into account the quality of the film and the quality of his work, and the top five:
5 Castaway
This is a great love story. No plane crash was an awesome action sequence. And Hanks is remarkable in the island, and when he gets back to civilization.
In this film must be the only time in the history of films that viewers a grown man crying over losing the ball.
4 Big
This Hanks film put on the map. More was known as "cross-dresser with a Boss Friends ".
Hanks stars as 13 (or so) year old boy who tries to succeed in New York after he changed into a grown man (made "Bigger ").
The story is great, and Hanks' performance is even better.
3 Philadelphia
Hanks won an Oscar for his performance in this film.
He played a lawyer dying of AIDS. He is as convincing in this role as he is in his role as leader of the soldiers in my next choice.
2 Saving Private Ryan
This is one of the only films that stuck with me for days after I saw him. There is a great performance throughout but Hanks leads a group.
This is a must-see film and it's one of Hanks' best performances.
1 Forrest Gump
Any film that can have a catch line like "Life is like a box of chocolates" catch-on for years to be a great film.
I do not know that any other actor in Hollywood could have played this role, and Hanks. He was not Tom Hanks in the movie. He was ... Well, Forrest ... Forrest Gu-UMP.
I have to say that there is another film that deserves mention here. This film is hanging in the abyss between when Hanks made his break-out performances (Big) and his return to performance (League of their own). This is a movie called burbs and it's great. This is not an intellectual in any, but it's funny - funny in parts. And it's still one of my all-time favorites (top 50 anyway ).
Category Article hanks, hanks movies
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