Home > third world movie learn speak jamaican > Third World Cop is a Great Movie to Learn How to Speak Jamaican
Third World Cop is a Great Movie to Learn How to Speak Jamaican
Posted on Thursday, October 13, 2011 by writer
I recently watched the movie Third World Cop, and I must say it was a great movie for the student Jamaican slang or anyone that wants to learn to speak Jamaican. The film is based in Kingston, Jamaica, and all Jamaican cast is made up of renowned artists such as Elephant Man, dancehall and Ninjaman and many prominent Jamaican actors and actresses. For anyone who saw the dancehall queen, many cast members also play a role in the Third World Cop, such as Paula Campbell, Mark Danvers, and Audrey Reid.
film is a story about the police from Kingston who goes by the name Capone (Paul Campbell). Capone is transferred back from Port Antonio to Kingston in an effort to breakdown of organized crime happening in the neighborhood Dunga Kingston where Capone was originally from. After returning to Kingston, Capone was tasked to investigate gun smuggling in the neighborhood. When Capone goes Dung, learns that his best friend's younger brother, a shabby, is a great community leader. Although, a shabby, is a hero in the community, it is much more involved in the underground business of the people would have us believe. When she learns that seedy Capone is involved, he does everything he can to stop and help the seedy criminal kingpins and stop arming the neighborhood.
I do not want to give too much away the film, because I really think it holds a special place for people looking to learn how to speak Jamaican. No, the film will never be a Hollywood blockbuster and not the best film quality, but there are so many other gems in this film. From the perspective of language, this movie is in the top 5 for the Jamaican žargon.Jezik generally used throughout the film's jargon and the DVD allows you to use subtitles, so this really helps to build the razumijevanju.Najpoznatiji slang phrase in the movie "We are small Tings, Tings Nuh we run. "pronunciation that native speakers, so you hear the words in the right context and emotion. We also see people greeting each other and just everyday interaction. This is invaluable and makes the film worth watching.
from a cultural standpoint, the film also throws light on the "bad man" element of Jamaica. This is a recurring theme in many films of Jamaica. "Bad Man" is a gangster for all intensive purposes, and many of Jamaican films that are not focused on growth put emphasis on the Jamaican gangster element. With the "bad man" view of the police role in Jamaican society and the esteem or the lack thereof community for them. Finally, like most movies based in developing countries, has an insight into the struggles of people trying to make something of themselves, but still maintains a number of other forces.
All in all, I say this movie is well worth your time and really worth buying. As mentioned, the film is invaluable in learning to speak Jamaican. I highly recommend this film.
Category Article third world cop, third world movie learn speak jamaican
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