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Mother Knows Best - The Shocking True Story That Inspired the Movie
Posted on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 by writer
hatred and disgust
Lee Goldsmith, a well respected, Boca Raton, social 67 years old, he hated her son in law so much that he hired someone to kill him. Goldsmith, trying to find a suitable husband for his daughter, Arleen, nurse, Delray Beach, took in the local newspapers: "Nice Jewish Girl wants to meet you Nice Jewish boy." David Brownstein is a man who answered the ad, and the two became inseparable. However, Ms. Goldsmith could not bear the thought of her daughters married because he Brownstein profesionalno.Klima Auto repairman would not be impressive enough for the goldsmith community of friends, so he invented a plan to destroy your life. According to the testimony of the state, Goldsmith, tried everything in the book, the falsification of letters and threatening to cut Arleen from his will, on charges of beating and extortion of Brownstein. But nothing would fuel her hatred over not being able to attend his daughter's wedding or see her grandson. So she decided it was time that David Brownstein from their lives for good.
carpet cleaner seemed like the perfect person to ask about where to find a contract killer. He was hired to clean the carpets in the goldsmith's house when Lee asked him to help her find someone to kill his son in pravu.Čovjek said he would see what he can do to help her, but instead he informed the police about the plot i got a $ 750 cash prize. The police then devised a plan to trap Goldsmith to pay the undercover officer for posao.Plan was to meet near a restaurant where Lee Goldsmith to explicit instructions on how to obaviti.Namijenjen murder victim will be shot in the head and planted drugs on her body that looks like a drug related murder. She paid $ 1,000 Brennen Thomas up front, then one death is confirmed it will pay the remaining $ 9,000.
8 February 1989, David Brownstein kissed his wife, Arleen before entering into business without knowing that his life was about to change forever. The police informed him of his mother in law about plans to kill him, and he agreed to play zajedno.Županije morgue was in the plot. They are said to confirm the death of David Brownstein, when Goldsmith called. On 15 February 1989, Brennen Goldsmith said that her son in law was dead. She then paid the balance, thanked the officer, and chuckled as he noticed how happy everyone will be ", but one in the morgue." Undercover officers filmed Lee paying them to kill him, a meeting of the Lee Cadillac. She said the secret police will have another job for him in six months. She wanted to mother of David Brownstein they poured acid on his face. She laughed and laughed until it described exactly how she wanted to do. The police moved to arrest and Lee Goldsmith and her accused of collecting first degree murder.
During a February 1990 trial, neighbors and friends of Lee Goldsmith described as a gentle soul who would not harm anyone. She is described as a civic leader who participated in fundraising activities and teaching exercise classes for seniors. Milton Goldsmith backed his wife's story of beatings and letters have been received. He stated that they became afraid Brownstein. Arleen is torn as it was asked whether she loved her mother. "To say I love her to be a lie," said Arleen. In the meantime, Lee Goldsmith looked like it was a collapse during a large part of the trial. She cried when he described the beatings he suffered. David Browstein spent two hours on the stand, refuses to take any part in any beatings or any behavior exhibited by the mother in law. Lee Goldsmith was found guilty and sentenced to 5 1 / 2 years in prison. "Please, God, no," said Lee, collapsed after hearing the verdict. Her husband was Milton himself.
In June 1995, Lee Goldsmith was released on parole at age 73 '
the case became a sensation. After she was released from prison, Lee and Milton Goldsmith appeared on the current connection and show Oprah Winfrey.Film Mother knows best shown in April 1997.
On Easter Sunday, the 13th April, 2009, I spoke with Lee Goldsmith. She informed me that her husband, Milton fell, fractured neck, and never recovered. He died a few months ago. She said these days feels alone and despondent. She is 86 years old. She no longer engages in any fundraising. She spends most of his time at home. Goldsmith and her adopted daughter Arleen never talked to each other again. Lee Goldsmith, and I never talked about crime, and she refers to it only as an "incident". She never knew the film was made about it. She is not familiar with many cable stations, said "my husband cared about these things." I would watch it though. She wants to me that she knows when the movie again.
Category Article Mother Knows Best, mother knows shocking true story inspired movie
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Is Lee still alive? The telephone number listed for her has been disconnected. I wonder if she's dead or in a nursing home because it shows her condo was sold this year by David and Arleen Brownstein. Would love an update on this riveting and sad story.