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And the Oscar for Best Movie Goes To - Crash of Racial Stereotypes and Humanitarian Babel
Posted on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 by writer
Last year we saw Crash escapes with Oscar, and is acclaimed not only the best film of the year, but for its exposure of race relations, bias and stereotypes in American society. This year, Hollywood has a chance, created incredible teaching tools that can be used to raise our unconscious biases and stereotypes, which can lead us to recognize the unique, individual features of others.
Crash is a film that makes us the second and third look at our own prejudices. Crash involves several stories with the basic theme of prejudice and stereotypes that exist in today's society: white veteran cop who is biased against blacks, a white store owner's gun, which is biased against the Persians, a white district attorney's wife who is a stereotype of Latinos, black car thieves who are bias against whites, black police detective who stereotype Hispanics, and the list goes on. Each of the characters who acted on their own prejudices are transformed into movie characters, when they terminate their biases and to meet others' uniqueness.
Crash is a film that makes us the second and third look at our own prejudices. Crash involves several stories with the basic theme of prejudice and stereotypes that exist in today's society: white veteran cop who is biased against blacks, a white store owner's gun, which is biased against the Persians, a white district attorney's wife who is a stereotype of Latinos, black car thieves who are bias against whites, black police detective who stereotype Hispanics, and the list goes on. Each of the characters who acted on their own prejudices are transformed into movie characters, when they terminate their biases and to meet others' uniqueness.
...Researchers have discovered that human beings have an unconscious bias. Research conducted by Stanford University concluded that even when we think that we compensate for our biases, it is not something that can be easily removed, or a factor in our decision because it operates unconsciously. We are far better at spotting bias in others than in ourselves. Researchers at Stanford University study concludes that there is an assumption that our own golden rule of objectivity works well for themselves and others' rules do not work for njih.Bias Blind Spot: Perceptions of bias in self versus Other (2002) The same person who is fairly objective when you judge for yourself can be very biased when assessing others or vice versa. And contrary to expectations, a successful career built on making carefully reasoned decisions can enhance the illusion of objectivity, such as a lawyer.
We received prejudices and stereotypes from our environment, family, friends, neighbors, music, television, movies and what we read, as well as our own experiences. These experiences begin when we have a very small djece.Pravila from our culture is not what is written, but they learned from those around us, and as children we accept these unwritten rules without question. In order to eliminate bias, we must begin to raise awareness on a conscious level and begin to recognize our prejudices. Only an awareness of how we react to the "other" is vital to breaking the patterns of conflict caused by the creation of bias. We should not be intimidated by engaging in a discussion of bias and stereotypes. It should be recognized that the familiar scripts do not apply, and modify our behavior accordingly communications. Attention must be paid to the unique, individual features of others.
How do films such as Crash and Babel, can be used to help us get in touch with our unconscious biases? Do not be intimidated by engaging in a discussion of bias and stereotypes that are shown in these films. Explore changes that occur with each character as they begin to set aside their stereotypes of each other and begin to recognize the unique and individual features of others. Start paying attention to how we communicate with ethnic and racial groups that are shown in the movies. Expand our understanding and improve our sensitivity to these races and nationalities. Avoid generalizing about cultures based on past information or observations, the data only apply to a situation in which you received it. Create opportunities to interact with people from different cultures, ethnic backgrounds, religions, and abilities. Eventually we realize that transforms attitudes and behaviors can be challenging and takes time. Crash and Babel were filmed in one day.
Category Article elimination of bias, oscar movie goes crash racial stereotypes humanitarian babel
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